Linux is Fun in Terminal

parthanaboina praveen
2 min readSep 24, 2021


Linux is fun! Huh. OK, so you don’t believe me. Mind me at the end of this article you will have to believe that Linux is actually a fun box.

1. Run a train in the terminal

command : sl (Steam Locomotive)

The sl command allows you to run a train in your terminal.

install : $ sudo yum install sl [On CentOS/RHEL ]

Once done, you can simply type in the following in the terminal to get started:


command: #sl -F

this should make the locomotive get wings to fly off from the terminal window!

Command: Cowsay

install : $ yum install cowsay [On CentOS/RHEL ]

#cowsay “ Helloo cowsay”


Let there be fire

Keep your fire extinguisher handy because now you are going to start a fire in your terminal!

install : yum install aalib[On CentOS/RHEL ]

Once done start a fire in your terminal by entering:

# aafire -driver curses


you just need to type “fortune” on your terminal and press enter. The terminal will display a random sentence


FIGlet is a simple command-line utility for creating ASCII text banners or large letters out of ordinary text

install : yum install figlet

figlet command always need input ,lets give fortune command as input




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